Thanks for the clarification on revenue's issue!

Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post
So it's for your own learning use, arguably that of you fellow students & teachers, but you can't compile and release anything made with it on PGD or the broader internet.

Legally speaking, even using it for an entry to the PGD Challenge isn't allowed as the judges aren't your teachers, and the entry is subsequently made available to the general public.
I've been thinking on this. If you are using Delphi Academic Edition, perhaps you can justify your participation on PGD Annual or any other contest as part of your learning/academic process. In fact, many institutions may provide grants and support for their students participating on different contests and you are technically representing the institution in addition to yourself, so Academic Edition can still apply.

Even if you publish something on Internet that you've made with Academic edition during your academic/student life, I don't think it will conflict with Academic license.