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Thread: Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

  1. #1

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    I've been wondering if there's a way to make calculating inverse-Matrizzes faster then by usings the Gauss Algorith and apply it's opperations onto a identity matrix.

    If anyone has an idea or could give me some information on other algorithms available for this task I'd appreciate to hear about them.

    (On request I can send my current solution I don't post it now as it is dependen of a lot of code)

    FYI: It's function MatrixInverse in
    The more complex a system is, the smaller the bugs get; the smaller the bugs are, the more often they appear.

  2. #2

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    This is the only method I know of for finding an inverse matrix.

    To find the inverse of a matrix A:
    1) Find the determinant of A, |A|.

    2) Find the adjoint of A, which is the transpose of the matrix of cofactors of A.

    3) The inverse of A is given by:
    A<sup>-1</sup> = (1/|A|) * (adjoint of A)

    (If |A| = 0, then there is no inverse matrix.)
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  3. #3

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    Sorry for the dumb question, but I'm new to matrix calculations:
    What are the cofactors of a matrix? And how to get them?

    The limitation at the bottom is clear if you look at the definition ;-)

    THX so far.
    The more complex a system is, the smaller the bugs get; the smaller the bugs are, the more often they appear.

  4. #4

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    A quick search on Google comes up with this PDF file, which explains the whole process better than I can .
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  5. #5

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    here's a function I wrote to calculate a determinant of any order recursively. Just in case you needed one.

    TFloatArray = array of Extended;
    T2DFloatArray = array of TFloatArray;
    // solve a determinant of any order
    function Determinant&#40;ADet &#58; T2DFloatArray&#41; &#58; Extended;
      LCol, LRow, LOrder, LNewOrder &#58; Integer;
      LSign &#58; boolean;
      LMinor &#58; T2DFloatArray;
      LOrder &#58;= length&#40;ADet&#41;;
      if LOrder = 2 then begin
        // return the result
        Result &#58;= ADet&#91;0&#93;&#91;0&#93; * ADet&#91;1&#93;&#91;1&#93; - ADet&#91;0&#93;&#91;1&#93; * ADet&#91;1&#93;&#91;0&#93;;
      end else begin
        // reduce the determinant by minors and solve determinants recursively
        LNewOrder &#58;= LOrder - 1;
        // create first minor
        SetLength&#40;LMinor, LNewOrder&#41;;
        for LRow &#58;= 0 to LNewOrder - 1 do begin
          SetLength&#40;LMinor&#91;LRow&#93;, LNewOrder&#41;;
          for LCol &#58;= 0 to LNewOrder - 1 do
            LMinor&#91;LRow&#93;&#91;LCol&#93; &#58;= ADet&#91;LRow+1&#93;&#91;LCol+1&#93;;
        // solve first minor
        Result &#58;= ADet&#91;0&#93;&#91;0&#93; * Determinant&#40;LMinor&#41;; 
        LSign &#58;= False; // negative
        // solve remaining minors and accumulate result
        for LCol &#58;= 1 to LNewOrder do begin
          // create the minor for this column by modifying the previous minor
          for LRow &#58;= 1 to LNewOrder do
            LMinor&#91;LRow-1&#93;&#91;LCol-1&#93; &#58;= ADet&#91;LRow&#93;&#91;LCol-1&#93;;
          // accumulate terms to get result
          if LSign then Result &#58;= Result + ADet&#91;0&#93;&#91;LCol&#93; * Determinant&#40;LMinor&#41;
                   else Result &#58;= Result - ADet&#91;0&#93;&#91;LCol&#93; * Determinant&#40;LMinor&#41;;
          LSign &#58;= not LSign; // alternate sign of terms
        end; // minor columns loop

  6. #6

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    For Determinants I already wrote a very fast implementation (0.95 ms per 1000x1000 Matrix) which you can find here:

    For Inverse Matrizes I had no time yet to implement the suggestions given in the PDF file which helped a lot.

    I'll tell when I've something that works (or not)

    THX NE-Way
    The more complex a system is, the smaller the bugs get; the smaller the bugs are, the more often they appear.

  7. #7

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    ok, your determinant function looks much faster than mine. What method does it use? I tried to use it but I couldn't get it to work - I copied it exactly as it is in the link you gave. For a 2x2 matrix with values ((1 2)(3 4)) it should give -2 but gives 0. What could I be doing wrong?

    BTW, I think there's a numerical solution to find the inverse of a matrix, which is fastest for large matrices.


    Peter Bone

  8. #8

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    It uses the mathematical definition of finding the determinant, i.e. it calculates

    a1 b1 c1
    a2 b2 c2
    a3 b3 c3
    Det = 
    //diagonals from left top to right bottom
    a1 * b2 * c3 + 
    b1 * c2 * a3 + 
    c1 * a2 * b3 
    //diagonals from right top to left bottom
    c1 * b2 * a3 +
    b1 * a2 * c3 +
    a1 * c2 * b3
    For 2x2 Matrizes I already noticed this problem. It's a problem with the mathematical solution I used. For 2x2 Matrizes it simplifies to Det := 0, which is wrong.

    But your routine gave me the solution for the problem THX. It was the missing condition for S.X = 2 I'll include it into my source and it should be right.

    But the main problem remains ... I'll tell, when I've something that works. But could take some days.
    The more complex a system is, the smaller the bugs get; the smaller the bugs are, the more often they appear.

  9. #9

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    ok, could you post your determinant code when you've fixed it please.
    Why do you need to calculate a matrix inverse? If you're solving a system of linear equations then you don't have to calculate the inverse - you can work it out quicker using Cramers method. Here's my code:
    // solve a system of linear equations of any order using Cramer's method
    function SolveLinearEquations&#40;ALeftSide &#58; T2DFloatArray ; ARightSide &#58; TFloatArray&#41; &#58; TFloatArray;
      LDenominator, LDenominatorInv &#58; Extended;
      LOrder &#58; integer;
      LRow, LCol &#58; integer;
      LNumeratorDet &#58; T2DFloatArray;
      LOrder &#58;= length&#40;ARightSide&#41;;
      SetLength&#40;Result, LOrder&#41;;
      // special case - order = 1
      if LOrder = 1 then begin
        if ALeftSide&#91;0&#93;&#91;0&#93; <> 0 then
          Result&#91;0&#93; &#58;= ARightSide&#91;0&#93; / ALeftSide&#91;0&#93;&#91;0&#93; else
          ShowMessage&#40;'Equation is unsolvable - it is inconsistent'&#41;;
      // solve the denominator of Cramer's equation
      // only needs to be calculated once
      LDenominator &#58;= Determinant&#40;ALeftSide&#41;;
      if LDenominator = 0 then begin
        ShowMessage&#40;'Equations are unsolvable - they are either dependant or inconsistent'&#41;;
      // calculate the inverse so that the divide is only done once
      LDenominatorInv &#58;= 1 / LDenominator;
      // create numerator for first variable
      SetLength&#40;LNumeratorDet, LOrder&#41;;
      for LRow &#58;= 0 to LOrder - 1 do begin
        SetLength&#40;LNumeratorDet&#91;LRow&#93;, LOrder&#41;;
        LNumeratorDet&#91;LRow&#93;&#91;0&#93; &#58;= ARightSide&#91;LRow&#93;;
        for LCol &#58;= 1 to LOrder - 1 do begin
          LNumeratorDet&#91;LRow&#93;&#91;LCol&#93; &#58;= ALeftSide&#91;LRow&#93;&#91;LCol&#93;;
      // solve the first variable
      Result&#91;0&#93; &#58;= Determinant&#40;LNumeratorDet&#41; * LDenominatorInv;
      // solve the remaining variables
      for LCol &#58;= 1 to LOrder - 1 do begin
        // restore the previous column with the left side values
        for LRow &#58;= 0 to LOrder - 1 do begin
          LNumeratorDet&#91;LRow&#93;&#91;LCol-1&#93; &#58;= ALeftSide&#91;LRow&#93;&#91;LCol-1&#93;;
        // replace the current column with the right side values
        for LRow &#58;= 0 to LOrder - 1 do begin
          LNumeratorDet&#91;LRow&#93;&#91;LCol&#93; &#58;= ARightSide&#91;LRow&#93;;
        // solve for this variable
        Result&#91;LCol&#93; &#58;= Determinant&#40;LNumeratorDet&#41; * LDenominatorInv;

  10. #10

    Math: Calculation of inverse Matrizes

    I need the inverse of an Matrix for a maths library I'm writing related to the Project Omorphia.

    I know that solving a linear equation system doesn't require to know it's inverse matrix, but the steps of transforming an matrix A into an identity matrix can be used, when applied to an identitiy matrix to create the inverse of the matrix A. But this algorithm seems to be rather slow and a nice place for various bugs

    @My MatrixDeterminant-Routine: I tested it today with the Delphi Random-Function and found that it's not very accurate (or my tested MatrixInverse routine wasn't). The updated source can be found under the previously given link.
    The more complex a system is, the smaller the bugs get; the smaller the bugs are, the more often they appear.

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