GameVision SDK 3.1.0

The GameVision SDK is feature complete and can easily create
any type of 2D game with D3D for rendering. GameVision 1.x
powered our game FreeStrike (http://www.jdsgames.com/freestrike)

GV was designed to be easy to use, robust and feature rich
and should be easy to use in your projects.

[ WHAT's NEW ]
* Revamped the API and moved all the supported features into
the DLL. Now all 32 bit versions of Delphi is now supported
as well as any modern language that supports DLLs
* Lots of bug fixes and enhancements
* Fully documented examples

* The Actor interface is still experimental and not fully tested yet.
* The HTML help for v3.1 has not been complete yet. See the
examples for help.

* Delphi 2 or higher
* DirectX 8.1b runtime
* Direct3D compliant 3D video card
* DirectSound compliant audio card (optional)

* Put the DLL in your system path and the /source folder in the Delphi path.
During develoment add [your_drive_letter]:\gvsdk to windows search path so
the dll can be found and add [your_drive_letter]:\gvsdk\source to delphi's
search path.
* Create a new project
* Add the GameVision unit to your uses section
* See the [docs] and [samples] folders for more info on how to use.

* DirectX8.1 for 2D rendering
* Delphi 2 or higher
* Interfaces:
- Color
- LogFile
- Strings
- Memory
- Data
- Vector
- Angle,
- Randnum
- RenderDevice
- App
- AppWindow
- Timing
- Lines
- Points
- Polygons
- RezFile
- Textures
- Sprite
- Fonts
- Image
- Input
- Audio
- MusicPlayer
- Entity

* Documentation ( compiled html help )
* Much more

ftp://ftp.jarroddavis.com/gamevision/gvsdk3.zip (3.1MB)

* http://www.jarroddavis.com
* support@jarroddavis.com - support email
* join the GameVision mail list to stay current on the lastest info.
Send an email to listserver@jarroddavis.com with the following
in the subject line:

JOIN gamevision.mailist@jarroddavis.com, your_email_addr, your_name

You are free to you GV for your own projects. In exchange, help us to
make it better with your feedback, suggestions and bug reports.

If you would like to contribute a demo and/or tutorial, contact us. We
encourage you to use the GameVision forum at our website for community

[ EULA ]
You are hereby granted the right to use GameVision and it's
tools to produce your own applications without paying us any
money, subject to the following restrictions:

1. You may not reverse engineer, or claim GameVision or it's tools
as your own work.

2. We require that you acknowledge us in your application's credits
and/or documentation. An acceptable statement can be such as:

created with the GameVision SDK developed by
Jarrod Davis Software.

3. You may not create a library that uses this library as a main part
of the program and sell that library.

4. You may redistribute GameVision, provided that the archive remain
intact. All files of the original distribution must be present!

5. Media used in the demos, tutorials and tools are copyright
Jarrod Davis Software and may not be used for any purpose.

6. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.

If you have further legal questions, please mail legal@jarroddavis.com

- Yuriy Kotsarenko (aka "Life Power") for providing his pixel conversion
routines which are copyright by Yuriy Kotsarenko