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Thread: FPC RPG style map won't even startup!

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  1. #1

    FPC RPG style map won't even startup!

    Hello, I'm new here and thanks for the help (in advance).

    I was trying to get a simple 80x19 map to display in console mode and am getting runtime errors. I don't have the GNU debugger, nor do I know where to get it.

    Here's the app:

    program rpgmap;

    uses crt,dos;

    map_tile = record
    tile: char;
    color: integer;
    move_cost: integer;

    function rolldie(size,addto: integer): integer;
    rolldie := (1+random(size))+addto;

    function rolldice(size,count,addto: integer): integer;
    var i: integer;
    rolldice := addto;
    for i := 1 to count do
    rolldice := rolldice+(random(size)+1);

    const tiles: array[1..5] of map_tile = (
    ( tile: '.'; color: Green; move_cost: 250; ),
    ( tile: '*'; color: Brown; move_cost: 750; ),
    ( tile: 'v'; color: Green; move_cost: 500; ),
    ( tile: 'T'; color: Green; move_cost: 250; ),
    ( tile: 'f'; color: Brown; move_cost: 250; ));

    desc: array[1..5] of string = ('You walk through the grass.',
    'You slog through the mud.',
    'You wander through the tall grass.',
    'You pass beneath a green tree.',
    'You walk under the dead tree.');
    move_speed = 250;

    procedure drawtile(n: byte; x,y: byte);

    var map: array[1..80,1..19] of byte;
    c,r: integer;
    turn: integer = 0;
    quit: boolean;
    key: char;
    x,y: byte;

    for r := 1 to 19 do
    for c := 1 to 80 do
    case rolldie(100,0) of
    1..40: map[c,r] := 1;
    41..50: map[c,r] := 2;
    51..70: map[c,r] := 3;
    71..100: if rolldie(100,0) >= 33 then map[c,r] := 4 else map[c,r] := 5;
    default: map[c,r] := 1;
    key := ReadKey;
    if key = 'Q' then quit := true;
    turn := turn + 1;
    until quit = true;

    What did I do wrong? I know I'm not a good programmer, but I'm trying.


  2. #2

    FPC RPG style map won't even startup!

    Hi, I can't see anything obviously wrong with your program, perhaps you could post the error message(s) you are getting?
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  3. #3

    FPC RPG style map won't even startup!

    Sadly I don't recieve any. It simply crashes w/o one. See why it's annoying me? :?

    EDIT, I have a theory but can't test it for a little bit. It has to do with the vars X,Y = 0 and being less than the Low(desc).

    EDIT2, Now I fixed the bug ... Didn't set the x and y vars like I thought so... I've got a very baseline rpg which draws a map.

  4. #4

    FPC RPG style map won't even startup!

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Kosek
    Sadly I don't recieve any. It simply crashes w/o one. See why it's annoying me? :?

    EDIT, I have a theory but can't test it for a little bit. It has to do with the vars X,Y = 0 and being less than the Low(desc).

    EDIT2, Now I fixed the bug ... Didn't set the x and y vars like I thought so... I've got a very baseline rpg which draws a map.

    A "default" clause in a case statement doesn't exist. This wouldn't even compile]

  5. #5

    FPC RPG style map won't even startup!

    So could you post the full working code?
    I would be interested on seeing how it worked.

  6. #6

    FPC RPG style map won't even startup!

    I'm sorry but I missed the posts here. I lost the application in a reformat, but I'll see what I can do.

  7. #7

    FPC RPG style map won't even startup!

    Just for the record, I wasn't ignoring anyone ... I simply missed the responses ... sorry.

    Ok, here it is. It was no problem, and was good to return to ... I was having a break from FPC for a little. The map is 80x19 and generated randomly. I added comments so folks will understand what's going on a bit better.

    Free for any use, just mention me in the credits please.
     * COLORS:
     * White,LightGray,DarkGray,Black
     * Brown
     * Yellow
     * Magenta,LightMagenta
     * Green,LightGreen
     * Red,LightRed
     * Blue,LightBlue
     * Cyan,LightCyan
    program rpgmap;
    uses crt,dos;
      map_tile = record
       tile: char;       // The ASCII representation
       color: integer;   // The Color, just an int.  See top for list
       move_cost: byte;  // The number of turns to move through
      // Numpad key:
      //           "1"       "2"   "3"       "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"       "8"   "9"
      direction = (SouthWest,South,SouthEast,West,none,East,NorthWest,North,NorthEast);
    // Roll a die of *size* sides and add the result to *addto*.  IE, 1d6+4
    function rolldie(size,addto: integer): integer;
      rolldie := (1+random(size))+addto;
    // Roll dice of count *count* and *size* sides and add the result to *addto*.
    // IE, 1d6+4
    function rolldice(size,count,addto: integer): integer;
    var i: integer;
      rolldice := addto;
      for i := 1 to count do
        rolldice := rolldice+(random(size)+1);
    const tiles: array[1..5] of map_tile = (
          ( tile: '.'; color: Green; move_cost: 1; ), //Grass, easy to move through
          ( tile: '*'; color: Brown; move_cost: 4; ), //Mud, nasty stuff! Grips the boots!
          ( tile: 'v'; color: Green; move_cost: 2; ), //Tall grass, hard to see where you're going
          ( tile: 'T'; color: Green; move_cost: 1; ), //A tall tree, just for astetics
          ( tile: 'f'; color: Brown; move_cost: 1; ));//A dead tree, just for astetics
          //Descriptions for moving through the terrain.
          desc: array[1..5] of string = ('You walk through the grass.',
                                         'You slog through the mud.',
                                         'You wander through the tall grass.',
                                         'You pass beneath a green tree.',
                                         'You walk under the dead tree.');
          move_speed = 1; // I cannot remember WHY I have this... Maybe you would?
    // A simple procedure to draw the tile
    procedure drawtile(n: byte; x,y: byte);
    // Declare the vars
    var map: array[1..80,1..19] of byte;  // Refrences the type of the terrain.
        c,r: integer;                     // temp value for Column and Row, used in map generation
        turn: integer;                    // Current turn, reference mostly
        quit: boolean;                    // If the player has hit "Q" then this is triggered. Quits.
        key: char;                        // Key that was hit is stored here.
        x,y: byte;                        // Player's current map position
     * This is the toughest function to write in the entire game!  This controls movement,
     * and even prevents the player from exiting the map area.
     * This function also draws the maptile where the player is and draws the player.
    procedure moveplayer(dir: direction; var xvar,yvar: byte);
    var xmove,ymove: boolean;
      xmove := true; // Assume that we can move.  We've no data so this is safest.
      ymove := true;
      if dir <> none then begin             // If we're going to move, IE direction hit and not 5 &#40;stationary&#41;
        drawtile&#40;map&#91;xvar,yvar&#93;,xvar,yvar&#41;; // Hide the player!  He is no longer here and shouldn't be shown
         * This section of code is essential!  It determines if the player can move
         * on the x and y axis.  If he can't then it is flagged for later.
        if dir in &#91;West,NorthWest,SouthWest&#93; then
          if xvar-1 < 1 then xmove &#58;= false;
        if dir in &#91;East,NorthEast,SouthEast&#93; then
          if xvar+1 > 80 then xmove &#58;= false;
        if dir in &#91;North,NorthWest,NorthEast&#93; then
          if yvar-1 < 1 then ymove &#58;= false;
        if dir in &#91;South,SouthWest,SouthEast&#93; then
          if yvar+1 > 19 then ymove &#58;= false;
        if &#40;xmove&#41; then // if movement is allowed on the X axis then do it based on DIR
          case dir of
            NorthWest,West,SouthWest&#58; xvar &#58;= xvar-1;
            NorthEast,East,SouthEast&#58; xvar &#58;= xvar+1;
        if &#40;ymove&#41; then // if movement is allowed on the Y axis then do it based on DIR
          case dir of
            NorthWest,North,NorthEast&#58; yvar &#58;= yvar-1;
            SouthWest,South,SouthEast&#58; yvar &#58;= yvar+1;
      TextColor&#40;white&#41;;  // The Player is the WHITE "@" symbol on the screen.
      gotoXY&#40;xvar,yvar&#41;; // go to the new spot
      write&#40;'@'&#41;;        // and draw the player there
      turn &#58;= 0; // Since we just began the player has just become "consious"
      x &#58;= rolldie&#40;80,0&#41;;    // Set X & Y to be on the map.  Somewhere, though ;&#41;
      y &#58;= rolldie&#40;19,0&#41;;
      for r &#58;= 1 to 19 do
       for c &#58;= 1 to 80 do begin
        case rolldie&#40;100,0&#41; of
         1..70&#58; map&#91;c,r&#93; &#58;= 1;
         71..85&#58; map&#91;c,r&#93; &#58;= 2;
         86..90&#58; map&#91;c,r&#93; &#58;= 3; // mud is kinda prevelent
         91..100&#58; if rolldie&#40;100,0&#41; >= 15 then map&#91;c,r&#93; &#58;= 4 else map&#91;c,r&#93; &#58;= 5; // Trees are mainly alive here
         else map&#91;c,r&#93; &#58;= 1;
        drawtile&#40;map&#91;c,r&#93;,c,r&#41;; // Draw the current tile.
       moveplayer&#40;none,x,y&#41;; //Draw the player so he's visible, though don't move him!
        key &#58;= ReadKey;
        case key of
         'Q'&#58; quit &#58;= true;
         '1'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;SouthWest, x, y&#41;; // SW
         '2'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;South,     x, y&#41;; // S
         '3'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;SouthEast, x, y&#41;; // SE
         '4'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;West,      x, y&#41;; // W
         '5'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;none,      x, y&#41;; // NO MOVEMENT
         '6'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;East,      x, y&#41;; // E
         '7'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;NorthWest, x, y&#41;; // NW
         '8'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;North,     x, y&#41;; // N
         '9'&#58; MovePlayer&#40;NorthEast, x, y&#41;; // NE
        turn &#58;= turn + tiles&#91;map&#91;x,y&#93;&#93;.move_cost; // increment time by transit cost
        gotoxy&#40;1,20&#41;; // go to the status line
        clreol;       // Clear previous message
        gotoxy&#40;75,20&#41;;// Go further right
        write&#40;turn&#41;;  // and draw the turn number
      until quit = true;


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