Unfortunately I must admit that you guys will probably have to wait quite some time for my game to get finished (the one I started for 2nd PGD mini competition). While I managed to build some realy cumerstone UI (with a few bugs and memory leaks) overal progress hasn't moved a lot from the status at which it was on end of 2nd Mini PGD competition. Main reason for this is the fact that I'm having some programing motivational problems lately (havent done almost any work in past few months).

Also I decided to focus most of my atention to another project which would in the end alow me to quicky and eficiently buid a nice UI for my game using similar approach as used when working with VCL or LCL in lazarus. It will alow me to simply say I want some controll at X,Y position with W,H dimensions using certain pictures to represent each parts of the it(client part and borders part).
In the end my goal is to make this Library which would provide me with this functionality to be designed in such way so that it can be used with almost any graphic engine.
Frankly there is still a lot of work to be done.

And after I finish work on my library I will probably focus my atention to another project of mine which would hopefully alow me to easily make necessary graphics for my game. I also belive that this Tool might also come in handy for other programes so I intend to put a lot of work into it.
Currently I have some parts of this tool already made but they still aren't conected int whole so for now I have verry limited functionality.
Also since I'm actually thinking of making whole UI with my Library that I mentioned before I'll have to develop my library at least to certain point where it would be stable enough to be used.

Anywhay when each of theese projects of mine comes to a point where they could actually be usable I will post more information in My Projects section.

BTW Do you guys have any good tip for increasing motivation for programing. I could surely use one.