True, there are also people who still use Visual Basic, Quick Basic or even MSX basic to write games and they can be fun, but in no way can that grow into a professional , state-of -the-art game anno 2005, just because the developer don't know actually what is going on in his/her program, and that shows in the end.

Due to the extremely fast CPU's and graphics cards it won't show If one created a badly, inefficient programmed game with all kind of redundant code when using the techniques of let's say 5 ys ago. But it's the programming technique that one takes with him.

And that was my point.
So i think most smart devs will study the C++ code , buy C++ books, and translate it into Pascal or swith to C++ when they get a programmer job. I learnt all my Direct3D API and some WIN32 api by translating C++ code.. (And i still hate teh language that why I am here !!! )

There't not much fundamental difference in those languages (although I like pascal better myself) , I was only referring to the fact that most Pascal beginners don't seem to get over the wrapper stage, wich is fine of course but in the end that can not grow into professional game dev.