I 'm back posting on this thread
i'd like to start this project. I'm not saying that i'm doing it, but that i'd like to get a bit deeper with analisis
Is anyone interested in talking about it and brainstorming a bit ?

Some question i was thinking about:

Is it better to do a single player offline game (UFO style), on online multiplayer only game, or both ? I think doing both will generate too much work becouse the two mode would be tecnically quite different (for example, the online game would store player attributes on server, with an account meccanism, while the offline would act totally different). Given that, would it be better online or singleplayer ?
I'd like the idea of a multiplayer game, with elements like Magic, for example selling or changing objects (units, items, etc). Each player could have it's own collection of objects (that persists with his account) and use them as he wish in matches.
But this could be far harder to do than the singleplayer, i think.
The singleplayer would instead require a "world gestion" part of the game, like UFO, to make the game more various. The idea of WILL of a UFO setted in a fantasy world could be nice.

A thing that always scares me is graphic The problem is that good artists are hard to find. That's why i would choose a simple 3d graphic, so that we can do it by ourself. If you look at this game, you'll see how some extremely easy models (mostly primitives) can create nice and colorful settings and gfx if well used. I've used this idea for this demo, and i think it can work good.
I've already a lot of tested code to be used for this.

So what's your opinions and ideas ?