I've done some more on the minotaur, and I think it's completed. Just goto send it to Blender and fix some little things and it's ready.

And here's a bunch of shots :

Although he's a more complicated design than I've made with all the other models, he really didn't take that long to model, mabye an hour and a half all up.

The legs may look a little off at first, but he's ment to have goat like legs. Which is a little hard to do when the Model style is to have no legs, just feet.

Another thing that was a bit of a challenge was his muscles. Modeling low poly muscles is harder than it looks :lol: . I wasn't that happy with his body, but once I added in the feet and hands, it all came together better.

If I could be bothered, I'd UV map his skin and draw on glyphs and tatoos.

This is my favourite model I've made for the turn based game so far, as you can probably tell . and it came out a lot better than I had thought it would.

Let me know what you think, Laters!