Version 1.01 of the Simple 2D library has been released:

[pascal]// Simple 2D Library
// version 1.01
// This file is part of the Free Pascal Simple 2D Libraries
// Copyright (c) 2004 by William Cairns (CairnsGames) and
// the Delphi Game Development (DGDev) Site
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// (I got this from the JEDI-SDL files and it sounds Cool!)
// By using this work you have immediatly agreed with the above.
// The work can be used for any purpose. You may sell it, use it in a game
// delete it or change it as you wish with no reward to the the original
// developers.
// We do however ask that if this work is used that some mention of it be made
// on the DGDev or PGDev web sites.
//** With FreePascal the files must be compiled with the -Sd switch on as
//** Delphi language conventions are used.
// Units:
// S2DLDraws - Sets up screen automatically - Change code directly for
// other screen resolutions.
// (Requires SDL.dll)
// S2DLImages -
// TS2DLImage : Manages image in memory. Enables Drawing and Transparancy
// TS2DLImageList : Maintains list of images. Enables searching of images.
// (Requires SDL.dll and SDL_image.dll)
// S2DLText -
// TS2DLFont : Manages a TTF font. Loads and Draws.
// TS2DLFontList : Maintains a list of Fonts. Enabled Search for Fonts
// (Requires SDL.dll and SDL_ttf.dll)
// S2DLSound -
// TS2DLSound : Loads and Manages a Wav file in memory. Enables playing
// and simple volume control
// TS2DLSoundEngine : Controls and manages Sounds.
// (Requires SDL.dll, SDL_mixer.dll and smeg.dll)
// S2DLTemplate - A basic template that enables a screen and manages images.
// Balls - an example game utilizing all the available units

Changes since version 1.00
- TGameImage renamed to TS2DLImage
- TS2DLFontList created to manage fonts
- TS2DLSound and TS2DLSoundEngine have been added.
- TGameImage.SetPallette has been removed as it wasn't doing anything.
- Memory leak (BIG one) in TS2DLFont removed.
- I've tried making it more linux friendly - cant really check though
- DEMO of everything included in a complete game called BALLS - based on jawbreaker for Pocket PC.

Once again I'm quite keen to hear any feedback