Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
PS. If anyone has the time I'd appreciate it if you could
:arrow: Test it on linux :shock:
:arrow: Tell me why it wont compile in Delphi :shock:
:arrow: Why the heck are the Exes so large! Over 2MB - this bloat is about 3times Delphi Bloat :roll:
I've tryed it under Kylix and Linux.
First, i've renamed the units to dpr/pas for compatibility.

It firstly didn't compiled becouse in linux unit importing cares of case.
You should import "sdl" instead of "SDL" and "sdl_ttf" instead of "SDL_ttf". That sux, i know, but kylix works that way (AFAIK)

Another thing, you used local variable initialization, that is not supported in Kylix.

procedure XXX();
var y : integer = 3;

should be:

procedure XXX();
var y : integer;

That said i was able to compile. But then i was missing "libSDL_ttf.so" and i wasn't able to run it..
I'll try and find that lib