Hi all,

I am currently weening myself off DelphiX. It has served me for the 4-5 years and I am very comfortable with it. However, might be time to move on. I have chosen Asphyre becuase not only does it do the hardware stuff, but it also caters to software mode. However first hurdle.

In delphiX I tend to load in a picture of the screen (say single bitmap 800x600) and put that on the screen first and place sprites other bitmaps on top as required.

Now, when I try to load in such a large bitmap in asphyre I get the distinct impression that it doesn't like it. Greater than 256x256 seems to be a no no and 800x600 won't work and gets bumped up to 1024x768.

Question is, how do I go about doing this simple task? One obvious way would be split the background into multiple parts but that just seems silly.

So how do I get the same result as my old

dximagelist.items[0].draw(dxdraw.surface, 0, 0, 0);

Ta muchly