Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
But -
You cant get a car for free - required to get to work.
Well cars are a different type of good from software. They're not comparable in how you produce and sell them. Just to say one, car requires work to produce for each one, while software only require only to be produced once.
They're different things. You can't get a car for free

Quote Originally Posted by cairnswm
You cant get a book for free - required to learn
Books are more like software, and in fact you see around the internet lots of free books. Just look at wikipedia
In fact, i learned all i know about game programming without ever purchasing a book.

Why should software be free?
Nobody sais it must be free. Simply, i prefer open source if i can choose.
It's far more secure, up to date and customizable (in the average).

I like the idea of open source but I am very hesitent to get involved in an open source project because of the work involved. I am _amazed_ at the dedication some people give to their open source project.

I release a lot of my code for free. There are sources for full game on my site available for free. I absolutly believe in the sharing of information to as many people as possible. But they are not open source - they are free source
So what license is your code released with? That's the point
If you give it to the public domain, people can just use it for closed source project. That's far a bad thing, isn't it ?