RSS is probably cool. I have read up on RSS feeds but havn't actually bothered writing one yet.

The problem with web page scrappers is all the other stuff - text formatting etc that just makes the downloads larger.

An RSS is fine - WHEN can I have it ? With Delphi I can even include the web browser in my app so we dont need IE. Click on alink on your desktop and it will open the page inside my app to allow you to reply....

Sound sgood.

(I didn;t ask before as I'd rather the site got finished before I start sticking my fingers intot he Pie. Do you have a host yet - CairnsGames is now theoretically an ISP and I can sell you a site for R50 ~$9 a month.... Php, mySQL or ASP with Access. One email address included :twisted:. Then I dont need to hack it anymore. Can be hosted in South Africa or in the USA- for details)