Well ladies[size=9px](maybe?)[/size] and Gents, the verdict is in...

I have tried the latest flavor of Delphi and I have to say that at first I was intrigued... then put off [size=9px](but the sheer size of the installation; over a gig)[/size]... then dismayed by the ugly and irritating tweeks of the new editor... finally disappointed by the fact that CLX support is not included.

I have to ssay that Borland has made a serious miss on this one. Not only have they pulled 'an Adobe' [size=9px](known for it's every other version having to 'correct' a mistake in interface design that the previous 'latest and greatest' left users with that familiar bad taste in their mouths)[/size], BUT they completely let down a recently new [size=9px](and created by their own hands mind you!)[/size] technology that was still fighting to grow to what it's original intention was in the first place.

What is Borland thinking :x

The only 'good' thing to it, which I have no personal interest in, is the .NET(which it's that great either) and C#(which is no really Pascal either).

Personally the last compiler that was any good that they made was Delphi 7 and I doubt I'll be switching until either a WORKING version of Kylix 4, or whatever, comes out OR a much 'nicer/easier to install on Debian' IDE comes out for Free Pascal [size=9px](fully supported Object Pascal language will help sway me too)[/size].

Of course this is just one man's oppinion.