The reason i wanted to use an online DB is because the app/game i building uses a form of update and currency library if you will, basiclly in the game/app you can collect and earn credits which in turn can be spent on upgrades, additions and other or new features for the app/game, how ever i want to be able to also access this information via internet explorer if a user wants to update their details or spend their credits out side of the app/games.
The DB will also contain the users configuration settings for both the website and for the app/game if the choose to use it on another machine.
As for securing the data i was thinking of using MD5 encryption for the passwords and m own form of crappy encryption with in an encryption for the sensitive data. This is mostly why i thought using a server-side app would be ideal?! This way i wont need to have open privilages on my DB and can use a secure set just for the CGI/ISAPI?..

I tried to use PHP scripts before, i might not of used it correctly but i was downloading the resulted HTM file from my website and reading the data that way, but it might be me but i dont feel that it is secure enough, and it will get annoying because there will be a lot of variables and data be passed to and from the DB.

Unfortantly i am forced to use MySQL my host dont allow any other form of DBs at the mo, but i will be going to my own server when i get a new line for it.