Ok this is a strange question

The motivation:
-I've got a very old computer with no 3d card, so i can't do anything 3d
-At my university they just upgraded the computers-rooms. We now have brand new Pentium4s 1800 ghz with cool 3d card, so i though "why not use them!?"

The problem:
-In this computers i have lots of programs.. VC++, VJ++, VB, Java, various unknown language but (guess what) not Delphi! :roll:

So the question is: given that i can't install programs on the computers' hard disk, is there a way to install delphi on a CD, and than use that CD in whatever computer?
I know it will lack all registry information, temp files and so on.. but maybe some of you have done this.
Else if someone have some roundabouts on how to use Delphi in my situation, tell me
It will be enought even to have only the compiler (ie compiling from command line) without the IDE, if necessary