the topic is a bit old but it describes exactly the problem I have at the moment.

I have successfully set up the free pascal compiler, sdl libraries and Jedi-SDL header on Linux (Suse 10). Now I want to use Lazarus as IDE. Whenever I set up a jsdl project I first add the header-paths under Project->Compiler Options.
In the first field I add all paths (e.g.: to SDL/Pas, SDL_Image/Pas...), in the second I only add the path to SDL/Pas and I check the delphi compatibility mode on the second tab.

With these options I am able to compile programs using sdl with Lazarus. The problem is, when I use another unit beside the standard SDL, for example SDL_Image, the source code completion goes berserk.

For example if I include SDL_Image in my project and hit Ctrl+Space anywhere in my sourcecode, Lazarus opens the sdl_image unit and jumps to
{$I jedi-sdl.inc}

Is this a common problem or have I made mistake when configuring lazarus?