
thank you , I will start commenting, and cleaning up the code, possibly using more units, try and categorize the procedures in units in a meaningfull easy to see manner.
yeah now I see what you mean, though I'm way to tired to fully understand (went to sleep at 3:00 am, woke up at 06:30 am, at work now... will sleep today).
if I understand you're map format would allow map file to be read line by line when needed ? instead of beaing read at once?
once I get some sleep, I will modify the code, and I'll try to do it like you've told me .

Now that I think about it, I will not overcomplicate my life. I'll reamove up and down by 1 , instead I will put a simple demo mode there, which when clicked on will jump to the end of the map, and from there move up by one till the end of the map. Just like it would later in the real game. And I think I will also add another variable into the map data.... scroll speed, migh come in handy if later I decide I want a map that is faster for some reason then the rest.... ligthspeed travel or escape from some boss, or something.

Thank you for youre time, I'll post tomorrow on my progress.
