It has been mentioned before and is related to Silverwarrior's suggestion of a programming Challenge, but I think it could be interesting with an AI challenge like the Google AI Challenge. It would require that someone would make a simple game with some interesting multiplayer challenges. Furthermore the game will need an API that can be used by various Pascal dialects.

I realize that it does require some effort from whoever must create the game, but I find the benefits interesting:

No judges will be needed. We just have to make the AIs battle each other and see who wins or gets the highest score.
The problem with unfinished entries should hopefully not be an issue. With a well designed API it should require minimal effort to make a simple working AI. It may not be any good, but it Can be submitted to the contest even if you haven't finished it.
It's a clean programming challenge. No need to fiddle with graphics and Music. No need to waste time on setting up rendering contexts, reading game assets, do proper input handling, collision handling, etc. You only have to focus on designing and implementing your AI.
Everyone can participate. No matter your skill level you can make a valid entry. Beginners may implement some ad hoc method while more experienced programmers may want to play with decision trees or even experiment with neural networks or reinforcement learning.
Lastly it is plain fun. We will be competing directly against each other and it is always fun to see how your AI compares to some other AI. It is also interesting to see if some type of AIs fare better against other types of AI but are weak against a third kind.

Personally I think this could be a great and fun challenge and the competetion length can be as long as you wish. You can get an AI running in one day but can spend a month on improving it.

btw. I'm writing this from a borriwed iPad and I am really hating the auto-correct.