Sadly, I feel that an indie game must come with good reviews. Wading through the piles of games at AppStore, GoG, MacGameStore or Steam will only lead you to infinite numbers of tower defense (can be good but usually just more of the same), make-groups-of-jewels (usually not very interesting), find-hidden-objects (worse, extremely boring and there are a lot of them) or match-tiles-with-mahjong-tiles-without-even-telling-it-isnt-mahjong (worst, I absolutely hate them). It just isn't worth trying, the market is flooded with overpolished garbage.

So I go for indie games if they are recommended by a trusted source, or if they come in Humble Bundles. Reviews can help, except that I don't read many magazines/websites that have them.

Not much help I am afraid. It isn't really getting easier to get attention in the market.