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Thread: G.T.A.2 Map Editor

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  1. #1
    Ohh, you gave me great idea about compressionstream.. Thanks.
    I did a quick test atm, official large map fully compressed is 1.23MB.
    It contains lots of cubes / tiles. After 7z: 343KB

    Empty map, compressed 273KB.
    And now compressed with 7z: 385 bytes lol.

    This map format contains lots of 0. Thats why 7z is able to compress it so well.
    I will try with compressionstreams..

    Yes maps must be first compressed with specific way, before game is able to load them.
    For undo its not needed.

    This of course probably will be the easiest solution. Just take whole map and compress.
    And if i limit undo count, maybe it will even work.

    Atm i would like just to have undo / redo for tile "painting".

  2. #2
    Making Undo/Redo function laregly depends on how you want to track theese changes.
    If you are tracking changes for each cube seperately then I would suggest creating dynamical array of special records which will contain cube position, old and new state of it.
    If you are tracking changes of several cubes at once (making cube shaped hole in your terrain) then I you can euther use similar system as above with the only difference that you now have seperate arrays for each undo/redo action. Or you can create some kind of submaps (array smaller than the whole map array) which will store previus state of the map section before it was changed.

  3. #3
    Yeah, for each individual tile making undo / redo seems easy, but if user makes lots of changes, then he must wait alot before undo reaches the stage where he started to draw these tiles.
    I tried and its very slow.

    Its better to create group of undos.
    And i have found idea to create stack_of_[tile+tile_coord]_lists

    In c++ something like this: stack< list<unsigned long> > undolist;
    Actually instead if unsigned long there was a simple struct (record) which just contains tile_id and its XYZ coordinate.
    This way each modification is actually a group. Pop a list from stack, loop through each of its item, get XYZ and tile ID. Put these tile_ids back at these XYZ coords on map. And do this for each LIST item in stack.

    Atm im trying to implement this system. Undo first.
    Dunno how to do this in Delphi without generics but i will try this in a DLL again.
    I already can successfully receive and send block_data to / from C++ DLL.

  4. #4
    You could save a new undo-point of the map when there has been at least 2 seconds of no mouse-down events (but mouse must have been clicked at least once for undo saving to happen). That way you can reduce the amount of undo storing, and you wouldn't need to save undo-point in the mouse-down event, which would always make a small lagspike.

  5. #5
    How to properly handle key presses in game?
    After a long break i decided to take another look at adding ped(s) to map editor or any demo i work here.
    But problem is that if i detect the key pressed (either VK_LEFT or RIGHT) or whatever the ped starts moving always with some delay.

    I mean:

    1) I press the up key (forward movement)
    2) It waits for few secs and then starts moving
    3) I release the key and press again..
    4) Again it waits for 1sec or 2 and then starts moving.

    Same with rotating, first the small delay then the rotation.

    Why is that? its in nxpascal code and in my non nxpascal code.
    I have to look how i did it in nxpascal version, ie where i was reading the input..

    Ok, i found the src and i handle input in formshortcut event.
    For some reasons in old versions of my editor the gameunit keypressing code didnt work.
    Or stopped working after doing something in graphicsunit or main.pas
    I dont remember.

    How to properly handle input?

    I got the movement to work for ped, i mean with sin/cos and it walks in direction he is looking but the delay at the start of the moving/rotating is really bad.

    In the meantime i will try with fresh src from nxpascal and gameunit keyhandling.

    EDIT2: also it must always move, even if i press rotation key when he is moving. But he stops.

    In my non nxpascal demo i use form.keydown and timer with interval of 16ms.

    As expected, in fresh source and gameunit keyprocessing everything is smooth and nice.
    No delays.
    So i guess keydown/keyup are not for games.

    Actually its mega smooth. Looks so great, i can rotate ped with arrows and walk around, it doesnt stop when rotating and walking at the same time.
    Just like in original game.

    What do you guys think, coldet will be able to get the collisions for me?
    The vertices are so simple and each block face is made of 2 triangles in my vertex data.
    Each slope has own vertices but because many slopes have lids, then lids are same and use same vertices, i dont share them ( i know i could to reduce my vertex data unit size even more, atm its 322KB).

    Coldet had recently a update with useful example.

    Probably not all the blocks on whole map must be checked but only those that are near to the ped. But since my visible are of map is just 15x15 (x,y) blocks + Z maximum 8 blocks i probably could check all these blocks in visible range.
    I dont care about speed atm, i just want quick and dirty to test, if it works, then i will try to make it better.

    It will never probably be full game, i just want to walk around and have collisions.
    Last edited by hwnd; 20-08-2013 at 08:19 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by hwnd View Post
    So i guess keydown/keyup are not for games.
    That is right. Using OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp is not good idea for games as it relies on Wndows messages. And since redrawing of the window which is in the end also done using Windows message which has much higher priority it means that the OnKeyDown/OnKeyUp messages gets processed much later.

    Most game engines register their own Keyboard hook (catch key presses on system level - even before Windows message for key press is generated and sent to active application) which alows you to handle the key presses with your own system which doesn't necessarly relies on Windows messages.
    Actually using keyboard hook you could cause huge havoc on the computer as you can force system to generate wrong Windows messages for key presses.

  7. #7
    OnKeyDown or OnKeyUp are fast enough for games. It is the only method i've ever used for key handling, and i have never seen any lag. If you can show code or something, we could check where the real slowdown is. As you said yourself, you didn't have the problem until you changed something small in code.

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