Quote Originally Posted by hwnd View Post
So now if i apply the animated texture to 3D quad, it will still work?
You have 2 ways. If drawing the quad yourself, get pattern texture coordinates with this function:
tex.GetPatternCoords(var x,y,w,h: single; pattern: integer)
Notice that w, h are width and height, not x2, y2. You can get those with x+w, y+h. It will get the coordinates from texture which was previously set.

Or if you want to use the nx.DrawRotate() or others in 3D that is possible. But you have to deal with problem of 2-sidedness and camera, possibly lighting aswell (2D-drawing functions don't use normals). nx.rs.CullBack:=false should be set if you want it 2-sided. When setting the camera right you might find that useful... especially if you try to place it on ground and it's actually facing down, you can't see it and wonder why it's not working. The nx 2D drawing functions consider 0,0 coordinate be top left corner, whereas in 3D world positive Y goes vertically up. So first of all your image is upside down, and camera should be rotated around X axis before rendering. Then the scale of things, where normally 1.0 match about 1 meter, is only 1 pixel in those drawing commands. So they would appear gigantic and should be rendered smaller using the functions that include scale in parameters.