Hello all

I just thought I would introduce our project in here as it was also mentioned in the news section on the site.

The short intro is:

BNW-Project. (Brave New World)
Open source Game development.
The project is primarily developed in Delphi and OpenGL.
The game is real time strategy, allowing a number of players to build and develop countries in a world where people's beliefs govern what is possible.
If people believe in a certain myth or creature, these become a real part of the game world.
The game aims to remove itself from the typical total out warfare by introducing the concept of influence on map-tiles instead.

We are currently looking for people to join the project.


We are really just getting started as the project has been too small to really get off the ground earlier. However, it does mena that a lot of the concept is in place and a lot of ideas has been generated and we are now moving onto creating something from it all.
It is very much a project intended as a learning process for us all, so its not so much speed that is the essence as the opportunity to learn something and perhaps help others learn something as well.

At the current stage the project is changing over from Danish to English as the main language, and the Design document is being formulated in detail. An early version of a map-editor has also been created but will most likely undergo some reconstruction as we move on to use an existing graphics engine:

Anyway - hope to be able to keep you posted on our progress, and if anyone are interested in joing - have a look at our site or drop me a PM