Quote Originally Posted by EmbranceII
OK,i found and solved some of the problems.
1)I enabled Verbose mode and saw the errors.
While it was search for Logger.PAS,it was searching anly root folder and no deeper.
While Logger was located in:
2)I took all PAS files and put them under one dir and
deleted all of SDL uneeded stuff(examples etc)
3)Now it found Logger(I wonder why since it couldnt be found at the beggining)
*Solved:Target was incorrect,sorry for this.
4)I set target to Win32,now try to run Balls.pp,and the teplate.pp.
Got these error on both:

Balls.pp(Using Normal Logger.PAS)
Error:Indentifier Not Found "Class"
Fatal:You need either-S2 or -Sd mode to copile this module.
Either i set parameters(via Run->Parameters)to -s2 or sd,none worked.

Ball.pp (with S2DLLoger.PAS)
Same as above.

S2DL Template.pp(With and without mofified logger.pas/s2dllogger.pas)
Same stuff as above.

What could be wrong?
First, the path problem, next time do


The * will make FPC recurse directories.

Second, one can't make the error message more clear than that. The code you are trying to compile is written for Delphi and Kylix, and needs delphi mode (-Sd) enabled. (or -Sd on a line in fpc.cfg, or {$mode delphi} in all sources)

Keep in mind that in a virgin FPC install defaults to turbo pascal mode, not Delphi.