Which libraries are the "best" to use for crossplatform graphics/games ?
OpenGL for graphics + GLUT, GLFW, SDL ?
For audio OpenAL, is it complete, does it work with any sound card ?
Is there a sollution with small libs like GLFW or are there some units for window management, i hate external libs wich have to be packed with my apps.
Does anyone have experience with GLScene ?
What about performance in accelerated/nonaccelerated systems ?

I only used OpenGL with GLUT, GLFW(Win), pure winapi and VCL, but if someone has better ideas please share them, i don't know much about sound though. It would be nice to have a direct sollution without any external libs except the OpenGL(AL) ones, that would certainly increase the speed and would be easier to distribute.

Maybe others want to know this too, it would be nice to have a tutorial about games comparing many popular libs.