Yeah i have several faces, there inside a loop and a function is called to add a found face to the collision tree, e.g.
procedure AddFaceToCollisionTree(const Face: TFace);
vertex: Array [0..3] Of TVertex3f;
i: Integer;
For i := 0 To 3 Do
vertex[i] := Face.Vertices[i];
NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace(nCollisionTree, 4, @vertex, SizeOf(TVertex3f), 1);

procedure AddWorldToCollisionTree;

procedure CheckItem(WorldObj: TxnWorldObject);
i: Integer;
If WorldObj is {Face object} Then
AddFaceToCollisionTree({Face Object}.Face);
If WorldObj is {Wall object} Then
For i := 0 To 5 Do AddFaceToCollisionTree({Wall object}.Faces[i]);
If WorldObj is {Polygon object} Then
For i := 0 To {Polygon object}.Children.Count-1 Do
CheckItem({Polygon object}.Children[i]);
If WorldObj is {Group object} Then
For i := 0 To {Group object}.Children.Count-1 Do
CheckItem({Group object}.Children[i]);

i: Integer;
min,max: TVertex3f;
Matrix: TMatrix;
nCollisionTree := NewtonCreateTreeCollision(nWorld, Nil);

For i := 0 To World.Objects.Count-1 Do CheckItem(World.Objects[i]);

NewtonTreeCollisionEndBuild(nCollisionTree, 0);

StaticnWorld := NewtonCreateBody(nWorld, nCollisionTree);
NewtonBodySetMatrix(staticnWorld, @Matrix[0,0]);
NewtonCollisionCalculateAABB(nCollisionTree, @Matrix[0,0], @min[0], @max[0]);
NewtonSetWorldSize(nWorld, @min[0], @max[0]);
From most examples and sources i have seen the following function:
NewtonTreeCollisionAddFace(nCollisionTree, 3, @vertex, SizeOf(TVertex3f), 1);
uses a face that consists of 3 vertices, and vertex would be an array [0..2] of TVertex3f how ever i want to pass 4 vertices instead...

Quote Originally Posted by tux
is the actor mesh a ragdoll? in the next big release of newton there will be a ragdoll animation system
Urm, i dont reall need any moving joints on it controlled via Newton. The only movments i need would be from the skeleton (walking, etc).

What advantages would there be for using it as a ragdoll and what kinda modifications would i need to do to my actor and its skeleton??

How ever i want to have a vehicle mesh with collision detection with each of the body parts, e.g the bumpers, doors, etc and when a damage level is reached the part falls off, would the ragdoll be usefull for this?