Hi there,
Hard to think I'm sort-of a programming veteran when I sort-of come out of hiding after working on PHP websites for two years and start working again on my Delphi stuff, only to realize I know suck at it :lol:
Anyway... I've never been too fond of Direct3D so that's my explanation for it. Here's my problem, anyone who can fix it will be my hero. It sort of synthesizes everything that's never been too clear for me about Direct3D: alpha blending with material alpha component+texture alpha component+vertex alpha component.
Well, there won't be a texture alpha in this case because I've disabled all textures for this code.

This is what I'm trying to do: setting a material (in order to have variable scene-wide alpha blending). Then, setting all my vertices to have ALL different alpha settings (these are, obviously, lit vertices e.g. D3DFVF_LVertex).
Well... Now I need to make these two interact.
It's like the material setting will only be taken into account if I set D3DRS_DIFFUSEMATERIALSOURCE to D3DMCS_MATERIAL instead of D3DMCS_COLOR1. But then my per-vertex color data is forgotten.
I've been on this for over two hours now, and I'm unable to find any info in the DX8.1 documentation files. (Yes I'm using DX8.0 but I guess this kind of code can be converted to any recent version.)

I guess I could have easily done this two years ago, but I had to make some space for PHP and MySQL in my personal RAM. Too bad I can't upgrade it! :roll: Thanks to anyone who can help

<2010 edit> What an interesting post for me! I thought I had learned PHP in 2005... Apparently it was earlier than that.