@End I use your headers and work OK in DelphiXE4 (I add it to sdl.inc) with WIN32 and WIN64 but not with OSX ("uses windows" error).
I change:
{$IFDEF Delphi}
     {$DEFINE Windows}

{$IFDEF Delphi}
     {$DEFINE Windows}
but is not enough for compile sdl.pas in OSX.
You plan to make it compatible with DelphiXE4 and OSX ?

I use last SDL2.dll download from libsdl.org (I change in sdl.pas SDL_LibName = 'SDL2.dll') and work fine. Not need use SDL2_x86.dll and SDL2_x86_x64.dll

You plan to make headers for SDL2_mixer ?
I convert SDL2_image, SDL2_net and SDL2_ttf from jedi-sdl and work OK, but SDL2_mixer not work .
SDL2_mixer generate an access violation in function Mix_LoadWAV_RW of SDL2_mixer.dll (same function in SDL_mixer.dll of SDL1.2 work ok)

In SDL2 not exist SDL_CreateThread and SDL_KillThread ? My games use SDL_Thread and I need to upgrade to SDL2
