I worked with MS SQL 2000 servers a lot when I worked at a webhosting/design company true ASP and I never experienced any problems. When I write a Delphi application that needs database access I mostly use ADO in combination with an Access DataBase, however both databases are quite similar in use and the only difference is are the connection properties.

I never use Delphi's ADO components, I have nothing against them (although they seem to fail in this situation), but I just knew how to work with the ADO components in ASP and by creating them as OLE objects at runtime I could work in exactly the same way in Delphi as I did in ASP.

If you want I'll send you my DataBase library for Access DataBases (with some explanation), all you would have to do is create a new connection and closing procedure and you would be able to use it!

My library simply opens and queries the database using an ADODB OLE object, looking at the error you are getting the Delphi components do exactly the same!