Hi ijcro,

Thanks for all the hard work! I totally understand what you say about the lack of responce. I too have wondered about that issue when I released the sourcecode of my game and got absolutely no comments (good or bad) whatsoever. However, since the release about one month ago it has been downloaded nearly 150 times so I guess it still is appreciated.

Back to your work. I have tried both samples. The pc I tried it on doesn't have a great gfx card (radeon 7000) but it ran great. At startup the flare sample gave about 5 fps, but once spacebar was pressed (thus hardware accel) it jumped to 189 fps!

The first sample has something odd going on. I see a transpararent red bar with a opaque white bar right next to it, on top of the background image. I could be wrong but i don't think it should be there. Also I get an access violation when I try to resize the window.

Overall I'm quite impressed by the speed increase. Again nice job, and please do continue! To others: please try the samples if you're into DelphiX and give comments! Otherwise, initiatives like these will stop sooner or later.