What did M$ do to make averyone hate Windows?

It's a control thing. M$ wants to control every aspect of your computing, will make you pay for new software if you change your motherboard or insert some other hardware which changes your PC's digital signature.

They will soon want to control the data (never mind the means of transmitting, storing and retrieving it).

If M$ can read all your emails, messages, and all your documents are in a M$ format, your trade secrets are not your own.

Innovation needs competition. Monopoly has to kill it.

But, to the question again. I dislike Windows for the following reasons.

First, it is nothing special. We were doing this stuff on the Ataris and Amigas in the 80's In fact, we were doing more on those toy computers than we are yet allowed to do in any Windows environment.

Second, the presentation is incomplete, bugged and has too many undocumented features which only the big developers are told about.

Third, each enhancement is geared towards the M$ development tools and others like Borland have to wait until they are subsequently informed (if they ever are) of the new changes. (Borland and DirectX, Sun and Java).

Fourth, each development is supposed to be an improvement. But I doubt whether this is so. From 95 to 98 to 2000 to XP...... what has actually improved?