This tcpa thing is pretty scary, but somehow I doubt something like that can/will actually happen. I don't think microsoft can really decide for us what we do with our pc's.

"This piece of Operating-System-Integrated software is going to determine what you are allowed to do with "your" PC."

Sure, so I buy this new windows Palladium and all of a sudden I can't play my games anymore, run Delphi or every other program I used to run, because they lack the needed serial numbers? Sure...

"So, you're a developer and want to create your own programs? Of course, with a certified IDE you're able to write your own source code. But it's not possible to execute your programs you just developed - unless you're going to certify them (which costs about $100.000!)."

Not very likely. There are how many developers? Does microsoft really expect us to buy a $100k license? What about software companies? They can close their doors if they have to buy licenses for every employee.

All this might work in a world where communism rules, but there are certain rules even microsoft has to obey to.