I don't believe that TLazOpenGLContext is OpenGL 3.x+ compatible, there's special things you need to do at window + context creation time, IE in windows you need to destroy/create a new window after you've checked various capabilities to support multisampling. Also on OSX there's only two ways to get an OpenGL 3.x context, either via a full screen/'windowless' process (CGL) or via opengl 'widgets' in Cocoa. (they annoyingly provide no such functionality for Carbon) So again, you're only going to be having GL3 in a Window on OSX by using cocoa. (and even then you're going to have to deal with the highly buggy GL3.2 implementation that apple decided to grace the world with)

So yeah, don't use TLazOpenGLContext unless you mind loosing multi-sampling, not being fully cross platform for 3.x and having no fine grain control over the garunteed issues you'll have with various hardware/driver/OS combos. You'd be much better off with somthing like Zen, nxPascal, my engine (shameless plug) or anything else that does Window/Context management by itself, sets up multi-sampled windows etc