im trying to turn auto center off but im not understanding it.

from the MSDN site it sais

Quote Originally Posted by msdn
Specifies whether device objects are self centering. This setting applies to the entire device, rather than to any particular object, so the dwHow member of the associated DIPROPDWORD structure must be DIPH_DEVICE.

The dwData member can be one of the following values.

DIPROPAUTOCENTER_OFF: The device should not automatically center when the user releases the device. An application that uses force feedback should disable autocentering before playing effects.

DIPROPAUTOCENTER_ON: The device should automatically center when the user releases the device.

Not all devices support the autocenter property.
and im sending the header in, but it has no place for data

  DIPROPHEADER = packed record
    dwSize: DWORD;
    dwHeaderSize: DWORD;
    dwObj: DWORD;
    dwHow: DWORD;

im doing this...


                        dipdw.diph.dwSize:= sizeof(DIPROPDWORD);
                        dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize:= sizeof(DIPROPHEADER);
                        dipdw.diph.dwObj:= 0;
                        dipdw.diph.dwHow:= DIPH_DEVICE;
                        dipdw.dwData:= 0;

                        if Succeeded(Device.SetProperty(DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, dipdw.diph)) then
i asume i put it in the dipdw.dwData:= 0; but thats not actually passed to direct input

whats wrong?