Hmm... well I was thinking of maybe combining some favorite features from either Contra or MegaMan... The assortment of different weapons is always nice.

GAMEPLAY: For the interface. I'm considering have 2 mods of play... Top/Bottom split screen OR Normal single screen showing your view only. The split screen could be an interesting pick-up item won by defeating one of the levels...

Controls... well arrow keys obviously... but besides Shoot and Jump possibly 'Special Item' a 'Change Items' button too...

So for things like say Grenades and health packs, etc... You can manually use them this way and you can build up an inventory of them too. Might even add a secondary weapon ability. Like in Unreal Tornament.

STORY IDEA: Well we have a few choices... but the main 2 are... do we go serious or cutesy? Or if we mix it how far left or right of that do we go? See if it's too cutesy it'll get dropped right away if it's too serious and it is not exciting enough, it'll get forgotten about quickly too. So there is the balance issue.

We can go either humans or robots. I can handle either, but the gameplay would go one way or the other depending on which it is. ie. humans would have lots of different weapons and pick-up items that they can stock and use where as robots would get different upgrades and such. Robots might be more catchy though...

GRAPHICS AND MUSIC: who here is handy at graphics and wants to contribute to this idea? I mentioned 3D pre-rendered graphics, any tallent in 3DS MAX or the like? Heck I wouldn't mind pixel art too. In fact might be easier for me. Less enviroment factors to consider. For music, I want to use modules. They are much more powerful than mp3 or ogg.

OTHER PROGRAMMERS: ok now usually I go it alone on these things, but I am not doing that with this. I'll be more than happy to work on the core/graphical engine, but I'd like someone to maybe do networking, controls, etc... I want to work with JEDI-SDL though. But I like the idea of using OpenAL and OpenGL... for cross-platform. I don't plan on using any part of DirectX directly(only through SDL)

Well anyone want to jump on board this idea? I will probably see about starting after the PGD Dogfight contest is over.