Idea #1 comes across as more of an adventure and it essentially is a voyage of self discovery, which everyone can relate to because ultimately that is what we all search for, Our true self!

I see the basic plot as follows ( not necessarily in this numerical order )...
He needs to...
1. Find out who he is.
2. Find out what he is capable of ( as each subsystem is brought up - both good and bad )
3. Decide what his destiny will be ( What must he achieve in his *lifetime* )

Point 3 allows for 2 ( or more ) alternate endings. So at some point in the game the player needs to decide which side he will fight for and as such the game engine and story needs to be able to handle this.

It has huge potential for twists and turns, which I think are essential to pull the gamer in.

If fleshed out properly, I can see a film/movie rights being licenced .

Obviously this is how I see it, so take it with the pinch of salt it deserves.