Quote Originally Posted by savage
I have not had a chance to look the source code yet as I am quite interested in the "smoke" and "filling texture" effects.
Both of these effects aren't as complicaed as they look like.

-filling texture: I create two array's of longword containing the texture data. one is the unfilled version one the filled. As the flame moves along I continously copy little rects from the filled texture to the unfilled and reassign it to the model-texture with glTexImage2D.

-smoke: It's part of the flame-effect wich is implemented in fxFlame.pas.
The smoke is composed of spinning smoke-rings that rise up from the fire, widen and fade out. Of course it's hard to see that it's nothing more than blended rings because they differ in size, color and saturation.

I've seen a similar effect used by the Mafia-Team for their cigaratte- and cigare smoke and tried to rebuild it...
