The latest competition gave us all a couple nice games to learn from. Although i myself haven't actually taken the time to browse through the code, I'm sure many will find them a valueable source to learn new things from.

It did got me to think though. As quite a few of us, myself included, have websites with tutorials on them, I ask myself, what exactly is the added value of a tutorial?

I often visit sites, looking for something to learn. And when I do come across something, I most of the time, think 'yeah yeah, I'll read that stuff later, now where's the source/demo. I know, it does sound greedy, but I know for a fact, I'm not alone in that. Tell me, how many of you have actually read NeHe's tutorials? And how many of you have just downloaded the code?

So if that is the case then why do we bother spending many evenings to writing a tutorial if the only thing people want is your code, images or whatever it is you're teaching in your tutorial?
Can't we just suffice with a

Looking forward to opinions.