Thanks guys, now it works.

I got similar answer from Clootie too.

Still having trouble with the client part tho, can't get it to connect to my server...

I keep getting "DPNERR_INVALIDHOSTADDRESS" when making the connection.

   pHostName: PWideChar;
   pw: array [0..127] of WideChar;
pHostName := StringToWideChar(pServerAddress, pw, Length(pServerAddress) + 1);
	hr := DPHostAddress.AddComponent(DPNA_KEY_HOSTNAME,      //pwszName
                                    pHostName,                //lpvData
                                    (Length(pServerAddress) + 1) * 2,        //dwDataSize in bytes
                                    DPNA_DATATYPE_STRING );   //dwDataType
Is the data size wrong or what? But I don't get any kind of errors here, only later when trying to make the connection.
EDIT: pServerAddress is a String property.

DPDeviceAddress: IDirectPlay8Address;
DPClient: IDirectPlay8Client;
DPHostAddress: IDirectPlay8Address;
hr := DPClient.Connect(DPAppDesc,        // pdnAppDesc
                         DPHostAddress,       // pHostAddr
                         DPDeviceAddress,   // pDeviceInfo
                         NIL,               // pdnSecurity
                         NIL,               // pdnCredentials
                         NIL, 0,            // pvUserConnectData/Size
                         NIL,               // pvAsyncContext
                         NIL,               // pvAsyncHandle
                         DPNCONNECT_SYNC);   // dwFlags
Any idea what's wrong this time?