Sly: Don't forget you have to make an article/review about E3 on PGD

Traveler: I've already added some stuff to my current game's story here (click here!) But I'm waiting for feedback and thoughts before I continue to post anything on it. My game ain't gonna be *completely* free you know. :lol:

marmin: Quite true. A 2D shooter/platform game needs at least some basic form of story. Otherwise why are you jumping from brick to brick going through levels? Who is that princess at the end? Story = Purpose.

Take Doom for instance. A simple story, but without it a senseless and pointless game. Demons are invading or hoarding in from Hell into Mars' moons. Now you could have had cows instead of hell spawn, but why cows? There is even a story behind that too! You'd have to use non-sensical objects or things, but then what on earth would be a point of playing a game like that?

You NEED a story or a plot. Even if it's just as simple and cut-out as Doom or any other classic. They used to call this an 'Adventure Game' back in the old days, because of this very idea.