This weekend I entered the Ludum Dare 48 hour game programming contest. The theme for this year was "Light and Darkness".

I decided on something really simple this time (last year I did a RTS game in the 48 hours): I did a Pacman game where each dot you picked up extended the length of your torch, which faded after time. The basic game took me about 3 hours to get working and then another 25-30 hours of polishing the game - making sprites, intro screen help etc.

The final entry is available from:
and the source is available from:

An interesting point to note is that all the enemies are scripted using DelphiWebScriptII integrated through a single unit (S2DLAI). The creation of integration points between the scripts and game are done through a dynamic linking function in the program - making it very easy to integrate into any other game (requires 2 procedures to integrate and the creation of the integration functions).