<table width=100%><tr><td class='newsContent' valign=top align=justify> Bones is a PlamOS framework application tool written by Jonathon Simister-Jennings (aka QuArk) for use with the Palm & Pascal Compiler.

"It is a Palm OS application for generating Palm OS application framework in Pascal with functions for event handling and the saving/loading of application preferences"

Currently in it's early development stages, Bones in the future will feature support for custom templates so frameworks for Hacks, Desk Accesories, and Preference Panels can be generated.

Qu4rk has also written a TTS in Pascal & Palm library which is a port of the Flite Text-to-Speech library to Pascal & Palm.</td><td valign=top align=center width=180>[img]files/news/2005_05_01_bones.png[/img]</td></tr></table>

For more information about Bones or TTS in Pascal & Plam visit www.qu4rk.com