So you thought that Borland had the only .NET solution for the Object Pascal language huh? Guess again! RemObjects Software has recently released Chrome 1.0. Which they claim to be "the next generation Object Pascal language for .NET".

There is just one thing I should mention though... it's comes in two flavours!

One is made to intergrate into Microsoft's Visual Studio. Yup thats right, the one place you'd never expect to find anything Pascal, RemObjects has made it happen.

The other is the Chrome compiler as a native .NET application capable of creating 100% Mono compatible applications while running under Mono it's self.

I would seem that Borland isn't the only one taking an interest in Pascal and thats really good thing. Chrome may turn out to be yet another chapter of the language's on-going evolution.

For more information on Chrome visit either OR

To read more about Mono see