Hey, i see it's your OpenAL page i used as my source

i downloaded the OpenAL Ogg Player and copied the whole ogg class as is, then instantiated it on LoadSound function.

But before that i experimented with tutorials, by putting ogg update interval to higher number and it started the same looping.
I don't like the fact that ogg may start looping if playing pauses, say for 10 seconds for some reason...could be cd-rom drive starting spinning, other, well.. it is a serious bug.

I guess increasing buffer helps, but it doesn't sound a long term solution.

Edit: (Assume TOggStream is in use) Is there a way to determine through variables if sound is looping?
One variable i can think of is time indicator. Playing could then be forced to continue, or started over...

Edit2: Experimented a bit with the ogg player sample. I set OGGTimer.Interval=200 where it started looping. I noticed that the seek position was growing all the time, meaning that music should be hearing ok... Then i tried increasing normal BufferSize = 4096*8; to larger, but it complained of Range Check Error. Smaller values didn't complain.

Edit3: Ok, i made fix now that automatically restarts song playing from the start when it goes looping. I used the Playing and Playback return values determing it...and there my game is playing music while i'm writing this Would be better to continue playing instead of restarting, but how?