Making a game is a lot of hard work. About 3 years ago I decided I would only do 2D games until I write my "ultimate game". Since then I have slowly built up my abilities to a point where I can start making proper games. This decision was a key turning point in my game development "career" as it ment I started working to a realisable goal.

On a good week I get about 10hours that I can work on my Games. A decent game (something like Run-A-War) takes me about 100 hours of work to do. (This excludes 90% of graphics as I use Reiners). Problem is with a job that taken 45-60 hours a week and a family (inc 3 kids) working this hard on games completely wears me out. Since Run-A-War I have done the LD48 hour contest and almost no other game development, basically because I just dont feel like it.

So from my point of view - game development is a balance between - realistic goals - effort - and dreams.

Unrealistic goals, TOO much effort or no dream means it just wont work. I have a goal, I try to balance my effort and I know what I want to achieve - by having them structured like this I believe I can achieve the game I listed above.

My guess is that I'll have it done in about 3-6 years time