I agree on the issues of Balance. The easiest way to make a game balanced is to have everything equal, but to me this makes the game a lot less interesting.

In game design there are a number of principles that need to be followed (I've tried dabbling in Board game design as well) and there are two that to me apply here:

1. Game Balance - everyone should have an equal chance
2. How does someone coming last catch up - there should be some mechanism in the game to allow someone thats behind to catch up.

From my design I want to approach each one seperatly.
1. Game Balance - as each race will use a different set of resources the game balance will come through finding how many of each resource the various races need to gather. (Does killing a farmer give 3 or 7 blood points, does a human cutting down a tree loose 10 or 2% of the elven beauty points). The amount of resourcing will then enable the strength of the race (obviously this will require a LOT of testing )
2. Each race should have a way of catching up. Now I find this difficult to apply to the elven Race I've suggested but if Humans are lagging behind the elves a sudden effort in cutting down the forests - resulting in a large war would immediatly slow down the elves. Humans lagging behind the humanoids could possibly raise a militia from their towns folk for a short period etc.

I dont make any excuses that balancing my ideas will be easy but I dont think that should be an obstacle.

I dont plan on an AAA title - I hope for a decent Indie title.

Reiner has just added a builder sprite to his web site

So for Humans I have
Farmer, Carrier, Builder, Woodcutter, Swordsman, Archer, Knight, Ninja (and lots of others)
Gnome, Orc, Ogre
Archer, Swordsman, (Could modify some others quite easily to make priests, mages etc)
Pirates, Barbar, Barbarian King, Female Barbarian (This is probably not enough for a human race....)