Hi all...

Now then = I want to be able to play an mp3 file directly from within the exe file with Delphi5....
WITHOUT creating the mp3 file on the users machine...

There is an exccellent article at
by Zarko Gajic
"You can store more that just code in the application executable file. An exe file can contain a WAV, AVI or even an MP3 file. The "trick" is in working with resources."

HOWEVER "One minor problem is that the application creates a mp3 song on a user machine. You could add a code that deletes that file before the application is terminated. "

another method is to put a wave file in an .rc file thus
MYSOUND WAVE "sound.wav"
create the res file as usual and then play the sound directly from the exe using

PlaySound(PChar('MYSOUND'), hInstance, snd_ASync or snd_Resource);

note = add MMSystem to uses to use PlaySound
This does not create another copy on users machine

Could this method be adopted to play an mp3 ?

Any ideas and help welcomed..... but I want it simple without adding components etc....

cheeeeeerrrrrrrrrsssssssss atozix