Quote Originally Posted by cragwolf
That's awesome. Are you using textures for the GUI or just smart use of colours. I'm thinking of using just colours and lines.
Yep! I'm thinking of adding in a blended 'grid' texture for some added feel to it.

Perhaps a dropshadow to make it stand out a bit more. That would be nice to see. Also does the button actually behaves like a button? ie does it have hover/pressed/unpressed states?
What do you mean by a dropshadow, exactly? Like a dark blended shape of the box behind it? (My terminology is weak, hehe) As for the button, yes it does have states. Currently only mouse-over and on-click states, though, since the windowing usage will be fairly simplistic and not require that level of complexity.

Hmm... how about trying some 'background' tinting for special menus like Pause screens or the Main Menu... basically when the game action takes a break.
Not quite sure what you mean by background tinting? Could you provide a little screenshot or pseudo-code or something?

Thanks a lot for the comments/ideas! :)