hello!!!! at first i want to say that my shift keyon my keybord is some kind of damaged so please excuse somemistakes

My problem is: i need a way to work with the engine genesis 3d [genesis3d.com] by using directx. i already found toutorial ondirectx but there was nothing said aboutusing any other engines with directx. its a bit confusing: i haveto use directx for genesis because otherwise i cant show any delphi windows while genesis is running. so i posted an entry in the genesis forum. there somebody told me i have work with genesis and directx and then i can show any windows while genesis is running because if i use genesis+directx i can swith a certain mode so genesis dont stops or oppresses any delphi windows anymore. but now my problem is that i really dont know if there is also another way how i can write a simple 3d game with features like using delphi windows without any problem and things which really help me programming a simple game (in delphi im just at object orientated programming)

so i hope you can help me finding a way to use genesis with directx or helping me by showing a new way of simple 3d game preogramming!!!!!

sorry again if there are too many mistakes in grammar- im from german!!!
