I just updated my Newton page with some SDL-demos. In total there are six demos, of which four are SDL-adoptions of older demos (ragdolls, vehicles, joints, buoyancy) and two are new.

The first new demo is meant for people that want to see how the basics of newton works and only shows how to spawn some boxes. This is as easy as it can get.

The second demo is more complex and implements a character controller for first-person like movement (think of ego-shooters). It shows how easy it is to implement such a thing with a physics engine as you get all the benefits such an engine has to offer, like correct collisions and collisionreactions and also interaction with other bodies.

All demos can be compiled with Delphi and Free Pascal (tested with FPC 2.0.0) and should work with all OS'es that are supported by Newton+SDL+OpenGL+Pascal. Unfortunately there is no dynamic library for Linux (only a static one) in the current Newton-SDK so you'll have to wait for Newton 1.35 to run those under Linux.